a historic event which is recalled in this bicentennial killing held on October 2, 1968 was a student movement with the participation of students, teachers of the UNAM and the IPN

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On November 20, 1910 Mexican Revolution began. One hundred years ago, the Mexicans began a revolutionary struggle against Spanish imperialism, which led to nation building. But one hundred years later, this nation was no longer ruled by foreign monarchs as then, but by a dictator: Porfirio Diaz. For more than 30 years that General Díaz was in power, citizens could choose ruler and because a small group of people hoarded power, social inequality was evident: the rich were richer, living in European-style mansions and the poor were poorer, less trying to "survive" in small huts. But it also initiated another social layer previously unknown: the middle class, thanks to which, employers totaled their wealth.
In November 1910, Francisco Madero officially launched the revolution by crossing into the border town of Piedras Negras, Coahuila. This ignited uprisings in various border states and throughout the republic. "By April of 1911, an estimated 17,000 people had taken arms against Porfirio Diaz and his government." In May, Francisco Madero and his forces that included Francisco Pancho Villa took over Ciudad Juarez, the event that marked the first major victory for the insurgents. "TheTreaty of Juarez" provided an end to hostilities and the resignation of Porfirio Diaz. Francisco Madero was later elected president in the fall.

Soon after his election, Francisco Madero was assassinated and the constitutionalist Venustiano Carranza took over the presidency. Francisco Pancho Villa meanwhile remained a military genius and continued to build up his forces. Carranza and Villa became enemies. Villa continued for years to wage war with Carranza's government, but finally in 1920 Villa made peace with the newly-elected president Adolfo de la Huerta.
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